Do you want to discover the personal skills you need to develop to survive in a complex and constantly changing world?
What if, to create MAGIC in the world, we started by being more HUMAN?
Exploration is a first introduction to the 23 skills of the Inner Developments Goals (IDG)Framework.
It's an opportunity to stop and take a moment to feel and observe and develop the skills we all have within us that help us find innovative solutions to complex issues.
Depending on the needs, two formulas are available:
A look
A single meeting (2 to 3 hours)
Quick overview of the 23 SDIs
Experimentation in action
Program of 4 meetings (2 to 3 hours)
Learning in action following the evolution of the group
Exercises and experimentation between meetings
Collective intelligence to find leads to collective or individual issues
C’est pour vous si: votre équipe s'implique dans des projets à impact social ou environnemental ou fait face à des enjeux complexes et aimerait des compétences et une façon de faire humaine, ouverte et bienveillante.